Forecast schedule and budget

Choose order date, reception mode, number of pages and number of copies of your book to determine its reception time and its price.

For more information, see our prices and delivery times.

Your choices below will not be remembered.

When will I receive my book?

Reliez‑vous operates on working days from 9h to 18h. Days and times are considered in France (metropolitan).

Reception mode

Delivery mode

Express receipt is associated with deliveries by Chronopost to pickup point or to home in France (metropolitan).

Reception delay

Expected delivery: between 03/06/2025 and 03/12/2025

How much will my book cost?


Order 2 copies and receive an additional 20% discount on printing the second copy! Or an overall discount of 10% on printing.

For delivery, a supplement of 1.00 € is applied per additional copy.


Description Quantity Unit price Price
Printing 1 53.00 € 53.00 €
Delivery: La Poste to home 1 6.00 € 6.00 €
Total 59.00 €